Forums/NHL Signings

Boston Bruins signed Joey Abate (1 Year / $775,000 AAV)

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Mar. 8 at 5:20 p.m.
Joey Abate has signed a new contract with the Boston Bruins.
Standard Contract
SIGNED BY: Don Sweeney
Length: 1 year
Value: $775,000
Expiry Status: RFA (Arb)
Cap % Tooltip: 0.93
Signing Team: Logo of the Boston BruinsBoston Bruins
Signing Date: Mar. 8, 2024
Source: CapFriendly

Joey Abate signed a 1 year, $775,000 contract with the Boston Bruins on Mar. 8, 2024. The contract has a cap hit of $775,000.

SEASONClauseCap HitTooltipAAV TooltipP. BonusesTooltipS. BonusesTooltipBase SalaryTooltipTotal SalaryTooltipMinors SalTooltip
Qualifying OfferTooltip: $813,750
Mar. 8 at 5:32 p.m.
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ELCs will never be bad in 99% of cases.
Mar. 10 at 10:59 p.m.
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Quoting: CameronSquires
ELCs will never be bad in 99% of cases.

I don't believe this is an ELC
Mar. 11 at 5:53 p.m.
Cowan Season
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Quoting: Orr28
I don't believe this is an ELC

Yeah that’s my bad you’re right

It’s his first contract, but over the NHL age for an ELC so it’s technically a standard contract
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