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Feb. 2, 2024
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Forum: NHL SigningsYesterday at 9:30 p.m.
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Leafsfan98</b></div><div>??? Again, you and other Oiler "fans" don't understand context of the situation...

What your point is completely ignoring a team getting beat up on more than the other...

Vancouver (especially without Demko and a severely injured Petey) and LA aren't better than COL or Vegas, let alone both... Meaning you aren't punishing your body as much and are so much less effective mentally and physically...</div></div>

again, McDavid skated 2nd most of all players in the playoffs. but you know, not pushing your body or something.
On top of that DAL got a longer rest prior to the series. So they had way more time to recover. They only went 6 games in round 2, EDM had to go 7.

You just don't want to accept facts.

You are over here talking about beat up.... LA is a more physical team than both COL and VGK.

You are just going with empty arguments as you can't accept that DAL lost.

They were an old team. It shouldn't surprise you if you think they "ran out of gas" or whatever.
But that's their team by design. One must make it through all 4 rounds. If you can't build a team for that who's fault is that? Surely that isn't a better team now is it?

I'm not an oilers "fan".... I'm just a hockey fan in general who is honest about it.
You want to make excuses. No one cares. None of the prior games have anything to do with the next series.
You either line up and beat the other team or you don't. After 94 games + preseason EDM is tired too. There isn't much difference in that for any team at this point.
The better team won.
Forum: NHL SigningsTue. at 10:47 p.m.
Forum: NHL SigningsMon. at 3:14 p.m.
Forum: NHL SigningsSun. at 10:46 p.m.
Forum: NHL SigningsSun. at 8:35 p.m.
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>JuanDamienNebraska</b></div><div>You’re not embarrassed? Yeah, great idea, let’s just shove Poulin into a brutal NHL bottom 6 when he hasn’t even come close to putting up a consistent showing in the AHL top role. Let’s give him garbage minutes in a garbage bottom 6 instead of giving him top line minutes in the AHL, where again, he hasn’t even performed well against far worse competition. That totally won’t stunt his growth more than his injuries already have. You clearly don’t know how to develop a player. I’d rather play a place holder like Harkins on the fourth line than thrust Poulin into garbage minutes when he’s clearly shown he can’t manage the NHL yet. Look at his NHL numbers, let alone his AHL numbers. Use your brain. Your course of action will turn Poulin into a bottom 6 player with little confidence, that hacks the puck out and deep because he will never adjust to the timing of the NHL when he can’t even dominate the AHL pace of play. Letting him play top line minutes in the AHL will allow him to grow his confidence, and dominate at that level to the transition that style of game to the NHL timing. Look at what dominating the AHL did for Dallas’ young guys. Poulin can’t even stay healthy to do that. Simple. Your tantrum won’t change that. This isn’t a video game. This isn’t a matter of PIT not giving Poulin ice that he has earned. This is a matter of Poulin not being able to do the necessary things to develop his game, largely due to injuries. Simple. He hasn’t been ready. But you know, let’s play him anyways and turn him into a 4th line bust with no concept of NHL pace or confidence. Good idea! Stop throwing a fit and have some patience.</div></div>

i quit reading your mess at line 2. It's so bad.
As if giving the guy his chance is a bad thing....
You got every excuse in the world. Meanwhile they play a guy who in 45 games put up 4 points and didn't score not even 1 goal. But you know... earning it or something.
Try shifting goal posts again when that gets blown up right in front of you.

Maybe get past the homerism defending of the horrible decision making delusion, and come back down to reality and admit serious problems exist with how things are done.
There is absolutely 0 reason a 22-23 1st round pick should not have been given a chance to play over what they did roll out on that horrible bottom 6 that lacked any talent at all. There is 0 possibility Poulin does any worse than 0 goals and 4 points in 45 games. But hey, come up with more excuses.

Trying to make excuses has you looking like a homer.
Oh 1st he has to earn it... but when it's proven the other guys sure as hell didn't earn it, you drag on about well the rest is so bad, he shouldn't be there!
No one can even take that seriously. Hey tell you what, the rest of chicago is so bad Bedard shouldn't be there! He should go "develop."
I know it might be new to you, but the whole point of drafting players is to you know, improve!
In order for that to happen, you have to actually play them. Instead of being an excuse machine throwing everything at a wall hoping something will stick in self riotousness.
Shift goal posts when it's him he didn't earn it, to it's the rest of them being so bad it would effect him.......
No one can even take that bs seriously or you when that's what you come to the table with.
Forum: NHL SigningsSun. at 8:59 a.m.
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>JuanDamienNebraska</b></div><div>What an asinine statement. The man has not earned an NHL spot. Simple. I empathize with what he’s dealt with, but that doesn’t change the fact that he hasn’t earned it. Not only has he put up pretty lackluster AHL numbers, but he hasn’t even been able to stay on the ice and do that consistently. You don’t hand a job to someone that hasn’t earned it. Insinuating that his mental health struggles are based solely on the fact that he wasn’t handed an NHL roster spot tells me that you know nothing about the nature of mental health. I’d imagine that his list of injuries and the fact that they’ve kept him off the ice and from being able to <em>earn</em> an NHL spot have led to struggles mentally, but that is not my place to speculate. Much more can be at the root. Regardless, he hasn’t earned a spot yet. Even with his NHL chances he’s been lackluster. Puustinen was given a similar shot and ran with it. He also put together consistent professional seasons to earn his shot, we can’t say the same for Poulin. I wish him the best.</div></div>

dude just delete your mess.
FFS, this is a team that fielded Jeff Carter who can't skate 10 feet and a bottom 6 that couldn't buy a goal.

But you know, he kid you're drafted 21OA but here go sit in the AHL forever while these scrubs are ahead of you... that's just great for his mental health.

Talk about not knowing anything about mental health.
You and your earn it nonsense. Tell me, WTF was jeff carter doing on the ice earning it. Or any number of those bottom 6 players who couldn't score a goal to save their life.
I mean clearly Harkins was earning it wasn't he, look at that state line.
GP 45 G 0 A 4 P 4 +/- -4
WOW he straight damn EARNED the $#!t out of that didn't he.......
This is why you have poor hockey opinions. You just blunt out trash that is devoid of any reality.
As if somehow Poulin has to "earn it" but that is the trash they put over their 1st round picks and then wonder why the bottom 6 can't score.
Team played all kinds of guys who didn't "earn it" Harkins, Carter, Ludvig........ such collective earning it lead right to another non playoff year.
Forum: NHL SigningsSat. at 11:02 p.m.
Forum: NHL SigningsMay 30 at 7:43 a.m.
Forum: NHL SigningsMay 29 at 6:50 p.m.
Forum: Armchair-GMMay 29 at 6:35 p.m.
Forum: NHL SigningsMay 29 at 6:29 p.m.
Forum: Armchair-GMMay 29 at 6:24 p.m.
Forum: NHL SigningsMay 29 at 6:21 p.m.
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>yikes</b></div><div>Bro you should read your posts and realize you’re just yapping.

I’m providing experts after you said there are none.

Then you say they can be wrong. Then you just yap some more and say the draft ain’t good.

But I provided what you said wasn’t out there and then you just hold firm.

If you read my point it was that you mainly said:

Macklin ain’t a franchise level player / not as good of a prospect
Macklin ain’t being hyped like the other posters said

But I showed you:
He’s basically almost on level with Bedard in terms of pre draft analysis and hype - but he hasn’t garnered it due to not being in the CHL, yet he’s playing in a harder league.
And that yes, some pros who don’t argue on capfriendly forums think Celebrini can be a franchise 1C.

Im not even saying Celebrini is better than Bedard or on his level. I’m just saying he’s proven there should be some hype around him. But to just scoff at Celebrini and say he’s not all that good is just a subjective opinion not a fact.

And your response was “nope wrong”.

Like you’re not even trying to converse as I said, you’re being stubborn and just arguing to be right not to converse lmao.

<img class="for_img" src="" alt="GOr_dI5awAAupFA.jpg">
If we follow Baders model - which is pretty objective and I think a fair one to use for prospects as it’s not complicated.
Both Celebrini and Smith out pace Draft year expectations for Malkin and Crosby. No one saying they’re going to be better. No one. We’re talking about the excitement for new players in the league. So the hype is warranted - it shows why you saying other posters are talking “out their a**” is just factually wrong.</div></div>

dude you are over here constantly trying to compare MC to Crosby.
Just stop.

You make up straw man points and ramble.
The points were never that MC isn't a good player. Never. The point was he's not a franchise level guy and teams need that guy to be real contenders and analytics prove that.

If you can't get that, sit down.

God knows you can stop trying to throw his name next to Crosby and show some "model" that puts him to comparable to Crosby and McDavid.... he's not, and people who do such things are click bait idiots.
There are serious qualitative differences between him and those two. It's not even a close comparable. You should be embarrassed rambling that nonsense and thinking anyone should take it seriously.

Yes we know he's a got a chance to be a good young player... your hype nonsense strawman nonsense.
Lafrenière is a good player too, star portential...... but he's not a FP and people knew that at draft. But you have to get past the click bait hype machine that you think is just "fine" to get that far.

But you clearly aren't reading or have 0 ability to comprehend as that your strawman was never the point.

The point was a whole lot of people talking "future looks bright".... well future looks like mediocrity without a FP forward and analytics show that.
He's not that. Good player, yes, FP no. There is no indication of that right now.

NO FP....NO real contender constant uphill climb. That's what analytics show in the league.
I don't make the rules, I just point out the facts of history.
You over here arguing like you're his mom.
Forum: NHL SigningsMay 29 at 6:05 p.m.
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Rangsey</b></div><div>How are you defining "Franchise Level" player. And what does draft stock have to do with it. Because Barkov is exceeding his draft expectation by a mile. Same with Kucherov. Celebrini at his draft rates better than both at their draft.</div></div>

talent level to NHL peers. Where a generational is more best of an era able to break multiple records.

You are clearly wrong on Barkov, not sure why you are trying to bring him up here. He was 2OA behind MacKinnon. At draft he was predicted to be a FP. It's like you are throwing mud against a wall looking for something to stick and say 'gotcha".

Kucherov clearly outplayed his draft status. But it was clear by year two. But there are many factors as to why he went so low. A lot of people blame the "russian" factor on that. That it's harder to scout over there. But he had other issues, originally said he was going to stay in the KHL for awhile, until he had his falling out over there. Which may have scared teams off. He also at the time was suspected of dealing with a shoulder issue. Which eventually got surgery after being drafted. He is on record saying he didn't have the money to pay for it and that TB paid for his surgery after he was drafted.
Which all combined pushed him down the second round. But that's more in his fall out story and why he came to the NHL when he did.

No one is saying a guy can't play up his draft status. But those are guys who either fall for a reason or usually aren't getting the same level of attention as MC.

MC is well scouted, while it's possible fact is, most people know. They are more likely to get it wrong the other way around aka predicting they will be and they aren't... think Lafrenière.
Than they are to say he's not a FP and he ends up being one.
Forum: Armchair-GMMay 29 at 5:40 p.m.
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Tjm220</b></div><div>And I suppose that Robinson and Jost are so much better than whoever the hell Acciari was playing with? Okposo may have been the only linemate Girgensons had all year worth anything and that’s not saying too much. Acciari may be better on face-offs, but isn’t he also quite a bit older? Much like Riley Smith I’m wondering when he’ll hit a wall and not really be worth it anymore. He can still be useful like a lot of older vets that haven’t hung it up yet, but I wouldn’t expect anyone paying much to get him. And I’m still not sure the Sabres are looking for a fourth line player with a multi year deal.</div></div>

Lets clear this up since you keep shifting goal posts.

1. This whole thing you are going on comparing Girgensons to Acciari has nothing to do with the actual point made. You viewed Acciari as if he's some problematic contract to move.. I have proven otherwise.
2. It doesn't matter if he's older, his contract is only 2 year at damn near nothing. As I said, it's 850k buried. That's little risk on a 2 year deal for a guy giving you a 54.5% faceoff as a 4th line center starting 85% of his starts in the Dzone and PKing.
3. I'm not trying to say he has some huge value... but it sure isn't to the level of "probably accept a seventh round pick if it meant getting rid of his contract." As if getting out of his contract was some huge issue. It's not. I imagine either this year or next year, if the penguins aren't in the playoff race, someone will look toward Acciari giving them a decent 4th line center who can win draws and PK for their playoff run for the price of a 4th round pick.
So it's not like they are in some huge need to get out of that contract like it's a bad contract. It's not. It's a low risk, contract for a decent defensive forward, who if they had more help probably does more offensively but being stuck with guys like Harkins, Hinostroza, and Gruden. for most of the year weren't helping him.
Forum: NHL SigningsMay 29 at 5:27 p.m.