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Mar. 18, 2021
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Forum: NHL SigningsMay 22 at 9:30 a.m.
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>LuckyMoneyPuck</b></div><div>I have no idea what I'm talking about, this started in mass 2 years ago and has not reversed.
Not only does it have to do with everything that is going on over there but on top of it.
It has a whole ton to do with the fact they are paid in Rubles that are damn near worthless and that they can't exchange anywhere.

But keep stretching conspiracy theories. Keep thinking things are "normal."

You are really clueless as to the world you are living in. There is a documents trail of proof of guys getting the hell out the KHL. All you have to do is use google to prove that.
foreign players left a long time ago. They don't want to be the next Brittney Griner. But go on there dude. Tell willy wonka there in phantasy land in your head hi for me.</div></div>

Just making more stuff up lol. I’ve proved you wrong over and over and over again. Looks like I have to keep going lol..

Luke Johnson, Josh Brook and Scott Wilson; The 3 North American NHL drafted prospects that literally just signed with KHL teams yesterday. And no doubt there will be more this week.

Nikita Zaitsev, just finished an almost 10 year stint in the NHL, is one of the most attractive free agents that’s heading to the KHL. Along with Plotnikov and Grigorenko.

Do you want me to keep going? Because this is what you get when you ‘google’ KHL.
Like you know the KHL operated completely normal last year? And like half of the top 10 scorers in the league were from North America? But yeah something something no one wants to go there because Britney Griner… lol you seem to be speaking from your butt cheeks sir.
Forum: NHL SigningsMay 22 at 9:30 a.m.
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>LuckyMoneyPuck</b></div><div>I have no idea what I'm talking about, this started in mass 2 years ago and has not reversed.
Not only does it have to do with everything that is going on over there but on top of it.
It has a whole ton to do with the fact they are paid in Rubles that are damn near worthless and that they can't exchange anywhere.

But keep stretching conspiracy theories. Keep thinking things are "normal."

You are really clueless as to the world you are living in. There is a documents trail of proof of guys getting the hell out the KHL. All you have to do is use google to prove that.
foreign players left a long time ago. They don't want to be the next Brittney Griner. But go on there dude. Tell willy wonka there in phantasy land in your head hi for me.</div></div>

Just making more stuff up lol. I’ve proved you wrong over and over and over again. And when Michkov comes over you’ll be proved yet AGAIN.

Luke Johnson, Josh Brook and Scott Wilson; The 3 North American NHL drafted prospects that literally just signed with KHL teams yesterday. And no doubt there will be more this week.
Nikita Zaitsev, just finished an almost 10 year stint in the NHL, is one of the most attractive free agents that’s heading to the KHL. Along with Plotnikov and Grigorenko.
Do you want me to keep going? Because this is what you get when you ‘google’ KHL.
Like you know the KHL operated completely normal last year? And like half of the top 10 scorers in the league were from North America? But yeah something something no one wants to go there because Britney Griner… lol you seem to be speaking from your butt cheeks sir.
Forum: NHL SigningsMay 21 at 10:13 p.m.
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>LuckyMoneyPuck</b></div><div>you are so out of touch you are just making things up.
No one is going there to play, no one. It's a known issue.
People are fleeing left and right to the point they have huge labor shortages all across the country and are mobilizing by law, people to be transferred across time zones to fill jobs.
Most people are terrified of being drafted and here is you, trying to speculate some point on a player trying to get the hell out of dodge into some imaginary circumstance.

Like here is a clue man, They are fleeing, getting out any way they can.
His agent is no more than a cartel person trying to get money for shuffling people over boarders.
That's it at this point. If he had any others he could do that for and get paid he would. It has nothing to do with what you paid someone else. It's just opportunism for people trying to get the hell out of dodge.</div></div>

You have literally no idea what you’re talking about. There were 3 Americans, that were drafted by NHL teams, that signed with KHL teams literally TODAY. You are the only one making stuff up. Maybe pay attention to what’s actually going on with the KHL and not what you’re seeing on the nightly news and all the war stuff. KHL free agency is open and players from all over the world are signing.

And you are just simply wrong about Michkov’s agent. The Flyers are not allowed to simply write a check for the supposed cost of getting out of Michkov’s current contract which is being reported to be 400k. The money has to come from him OR his agent. This has been reported. Put the 2 pieces together my friend, it’s not hard.
Forum: NHL SigningsMay 21 at 10:53 a.m.
Forum: NHL SigningsMay 20 at 10:32 a.m.
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>LuckyMoneyPuck</b></div><div>"You are obviously very clueless about how Russia works. It’s all about money there,"
I mean this really says it all.
you think everyone knows nothing and you are some grand sitting on a pillar talking down to people" are you an ivy league school professor?
Well here is one for you professor. You don't need a legitimate way to bribe people in Russia. You can just send a check to their back account, no questions asked.
I know you think the rest of us don't know how it "works" over there, but clearly you're a little behind the 8 ball.

You just paid a military age Russian a ton of money to help him flee russia. You can't figure out you didn't need to do that?
Don't really know what to say there. You should have offered him league min and let him earn it. If he says no, cool, stay and get drafted. Good luck with the drones.

You just don't seem to get what everyone voting above realizes. I'm done trying to help you figure it out.</div></div>

Well it appears what I was talking about may have some truth to it. Information is coming out of Russia the last few days and it appears the Flyers are trying to get Michkov over ASAP, maybe even for this upcoming season. It’s also been brought up that in order to buy him out of his current KHL contract the Flyers can’t just write a check. The money has to come from Michkov or his agent. Wanna talk again now how it might be a good thing we gave that same agent a few extra dollars?
Forum: NHL SigningsMay 5 at 7:27 p.m.
Forum: NHL SigningsMay 5 at 6:24 p.m.
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>LuckyMoneyPuck</b></div><div>"You are obviously very clueless about how Russia works. It’s all about money there,"
I mean this really says it all.
you think everyone knows nothing and you are some grand sitting on a pillar talking down to people" are you an ivy league school professor?
Well here is one for you professor. You don't need a legitimate way to bribe people in Russia. You can just send a check to their back account, no questions asked.
I know you think the rest of us don't know how it "works" over there, but clearly you're a little behind the 8 ball.

You just paid a military age Russian a ton of money to help him flee russia. You can't figure out you didn't need to do that?
Don't really know what to say there. You should have offered him league min and let him earn it. If he says no, cool, stay and get drafted. Good luck with the drones.

You just don't seem to get what everyone voting above realizes. I'm done trying to help you figure it out.</div></div>

Nothing wrong with doing things nice and clean like Danny did here though. We likely would just write a check if it was that simple. But it’s not.
Anyways, you might have to overpay some guys (see how I’m admitting again that we’re overpaying?) to get them to come over. I think you probably know this but just don’t want to admit it for some reason.
Shipachayov, Gusev, Panarin to name a few weren’t coming over on a league minimum prove it contract. Have to give them comparable to what they would get overseas or they just won’t come over.
It’s not that complicated really and again it’s not even that much money. Hell the Leafs had to give Jonas Gustavsson like 2.5m to come over too and that was like 15 years ago. So quit acting like this is unprecedented or something.
Forum: NHL SigningsMay 5 at 5:54 p.m.
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>LuckyMoneyPuck</b></div><div>you are just hell bent on bad points. Do you really think anyone needs to jump through hoops to get a young military age male out of Russia right now?
Are you kidding me? You realize they have been bolting for the door for some time now. Those who can get out.....wisely do. Hell there are pictures all over the internet of them flocked to Dubai, Indonesia, Georgia...etc. So yeah it's pretty odd to give a guy who's never played in the NHL that much. Or claim doing so helps bring another guy, who you admit tried to dodge military service over.
I have no doubt that guy wants to bolt the hell out of there.
I also think you are the one kidding yourself if you think in Russia, you need to hand that money over to someone to "help" you in any kind of legitimate way. You don't need to bring another guy over to bribe someone in Russia.
Anyway, my view is still the same, they paid a lot of money for a guy with not one game of NHL experience. Who they could have left sit in russia at that point. If they really needed a goalie that bad, it's not like there were not options. The problem for the Flyers was that the front office didn't want to pursue those options which probably cost them a playoff spot this year. Just like NJ.
But lets not pretend there aren't options. Like people want to pay guys in the AHL 4.5 mil salaries when they are heading into a cap crunch.
I'm just being honest about the whole situation, you are trying to take a square peg and shove it into a round hole and think everyone else should look at it and say, oh yeah that's normal.
It's not.
Which is why the vote count up there is HUGE in the NO vote section.
It's you that aren't willing to recognize that.... not me.</div></div>

Jump through hoops to get him over here? What are you even talking about? It’s well documented we tried to get him over here years ago and couldn’t. Not sure why you can’t admit that one?
But really in the end it’s actually not a lot of money! That’s your whole point and it’s literally nothing compared to what most teams are paying their goalies, Florida and Knight included! If we were in a cap crunch and really needed every last penny or were even legitimate playoff contenders then you can make an argument. But we’re far from that so the risk is next to nothing.
I mean if they do just want to give us Knight for pennies then trust me I’m all for it but I’m simply making the case that they won’t just give him away at this point, which is reasonable.
Your scenario? Not very reasonable actually to imagine one of the best run teams in the league to sell so low on a guy his age with that much upside.
We didn’t lose a playoff spot because of anything other than the Hart situation completely screwing us over. We were sellers at the deadline for a reason.
Either way I’m glad we’re picking at #12 instead of closer to 20. Good for the rebuild.
You are obviously very clueless about how Russia works. It’s all about money there, has been for a long time. Laughable you can’t admit that. I’m not saying it’s a huge factor or anything was just something to note that it doesn’t hurt hooking up the guy that’s going to help get Michkov over before his contract is up, which can be difficult in certain situations.
I don’t care there are a bunch of no votes, people love to hate on the Flyers. I love it. I also never claimed it was normal. This is one of the weirdest situations with a player from overseas I think I’ve ever seen before.
Forum: NHL SigningsMay 5 at 10:32 a.m.
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>LuckyMoneyPuck</b></div><div>if you think you need to sign one player to bring another over you are kidding yourself. If they want to make big money, they come to the NHL to try. It is what it is.

As for the goalie, as I said, if FL wants to keep the team together it will need cap space. Backup goalies at 4+ million are a luxury item for teams that don't have cap issues.</div></div>

Wow man you just refuse to give even an inch on any of this lol it's kinda funny actually. All for a goalie you think is getting overpaid by us but you want us to give up assets for a different goalie that makes over a million more and was below average in the minors last season.

We obviously didn't "need" to sign Fedotov just to help facilitate a move to NA for Michkov. But you also can't deny the connection and the fact that we're now hearing Michkov is likely going to come over before his contract is actually up, which we hadn't heard until very recently. Again, it doesn't hurt putting money in the pocket of the guy trying to help you. Ad you're the one kidding yourself if you think otherwise, especially when talking about Russia.

You also seem to be acting like Fedotov is this nobody that came out of nowhere that we decided to sign for no reason. Like you know we drafted him all the way back in 2015 right? It wasn't random. We've maintained contact and his rights for almost 10 years now. Even tried to get home over here in 2022 when he became a free agent but was caught with false documents and punished for trying to evade military service. This was all after being one of the best goalies in the KHL for 3 straight seasons from 2019-2022. He's a very good goalie believe it or not. Not sure why you think the only outcome here is a bad one. This is super low risk at a time when Briere is trying to rebuild the Flyers.

I could also point out that the Flyers have arguably the top goalie prospects of all NHL teams right now but you'd probably just discount that as meaningless too lol...
Forum: NHL SigningsMay 4 at 9:45 a.m.
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>LuckyMoneyPuck</b></div><div>you seem to thing there is this high price on Knight.
he's getting paid 4.5 mil in an AHL. Costing the main club over 3 mil per year.
It's like carrying dead cap space for FL.
Look at the roster and ask if they try to keep that team together how they are doing it with only 21 million in cap.
He could very well be a cap casualty for FL, and the cost not nearly what you think.
Free is not always better. remember that.</div></div>

I've said several times now that Zito isn't giving him away for cheap. Sure that's my opinion but I see no reason for them to sell extremely low on him like you're suggesting just to dump 3m.
Zito gave him that contract for a reason, he likes him. Like damn man he just turned 23. Came back from fighting whatever in the player assistance program and played a decent full year in the AHL.
I wouldn't be surprised if he's Bob's backup next year again as they obviously want him to be the goalie of the future.
The "casualty" if you want to call it that will probably be Stolarz. They likely won't be able to afford him as he will get a lot more than the 1m he's making now after being one of if not the best backups in the NHL this past season. He's obviously on a pretty good team but he'll get a couple million more over a few years I'd bet. A team like New Jersey could even come in and give him a chance at a starting spot too so Florida will need a different backup next year most likely.

I'll throw one more thing here that's actually being mentioned by some people right now. Fedotov and Michkov have the same agent. There's been rumors coming out now very recently that Michkov could potentially come over this coming season, but most likely next, and that the relationship between the Flyers and SKA is on really good terms. So we just slightly overpaid a player and essentially put money directly in the pocket of the guy working to get Michkov over to the Flyers. Let that sink in and then tell me it's not worth a couple million bucks lol..
Forum: NHL SigningsMay 1 at 12:21 p.m.
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>LuckyMoneyPuck</b></div><div>Knight is 24 next season, that's gong on 6 years of development.
At that point you either are or you aren't. At some point in the mid to mid-upper 20s players hit their peak aka 25-27 range. So it's kind of now or never.
Like many guys he might just need a new start some where. It's pretty clear Bob is the guy in FL. I don't see that changing for awhile. So at some point it just makes sense to move the cap out.
While you might not think it's the best gamble on a guy. 4.5 isn't bad for a guy actually on an NHL roster as opposed to guy sitting in the AHL, and the contract is only 2 years.
It's a better gamble than, played in the KHL and just handing him 3.3 mil for 2 years. The quality of play over there is not very high, especially the last 2 years as every international player has run for the exits.
The level of play over there currently is like slightly better than the CHL, probably lower than the NCAA.</div></div>

Seems like we're just going around and around here so here's some of my main points.

1. Knight could be a nice reclamation project but would cost assets
2. I honestly don't think Zito would want to trade him. Florida is arguably the best team in the league and that's with Knight buried. So we would probably have to overpay to get him as there's really no need for them to force a trade.
3. Knight is actually in a good position to just develop as he's still relatively young, especially for a goalie. Bob is still playing at a high level with 2 years left, so again, no need to rush anything with Knight.
4. Zito spent a pretty high pick on him and Knight still has tremendous upside. That's probably why you think it might be a good trade and why Zito gave him that contract. But also a reason for them to either make a team overpay for him or just keep him developing in their system.
5. The "gamble" with Fedotov is much smaller than this imagined scenario of trading for Knight, which we have to speculate what the cost would even be in the first place. They are not just giving him away.
6. The talk about the KHL not being any good now is very overblown. Every international player has not run for the exits lol. Many Americans and Canadians still there but they did lose a decent amount of guys from the EU countries. Most of the really good players and prospects from Sweden and Finland usually stay in their countries own pro and junior leagues anyway so it's not super significant imo. If you think it's any where even close to comparable to the CHL then you are lost. It's probably most comparable to the AHL, which is a pretty good hockey league to pull talent from as well. Plenty of guys have and will continue to come from Russia. Some are good, some aren't. Don't blanket every guy playing there. The best player in the next draft might be the Russian kid..
7. If we brought in Knight, and paid a decent amount which I think we would almost have to, there would be pressure for him to become the starter, maybe right away. With Fedotov that is not the expectation. That scenario seems like a completely unnecessary risk to take at this point.
8. We are rebuilding so spending a little more on a guy that has played plenty of pro hockey over the last 5 or so years is super low risk and will take the load off Ersson, who played really well but was clearly gassed at the end of the season.
9. IMO the Flyers would benefit from being bad over the next few years before Michkov comes over anyways. Another top 10 pick or 2 could go a long way. We need more high end talent, plain and simple. Maybe Fedotov helps us stay down there a little further lol...
Forum: NHL SigningsApr. 26 at 11:23 p.m.
Forum: NHL SigningsApr. 24 at 8:47 a.m.
Forum: NHL SigningsApr. 23 at 6:15 p.m.
Forum: NHL SigningsApr. 17 at 12:09 p.m.
Forum: NHL SigningsApr. 15 at 9:57 p.m.
Forum: NHL SigningsApr. 15 at 9:53 p.m.
Forum: NHL SigningsApr. 15 at 9:12 a.m.
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>LuckyMoneyPuck</b></div><div>they have a draft because the 32 teams need organization for how talent comes into the league....not for the fans.
Even when the fan base hasn't been there, and the league was damn near a beer league, they still had a draft.
So no everything isn't done for the fans. But they sure got you in marketing to get you to think that.
Fact is they careless about the fans and more about TV deals and advertisement money than they ever will the fans. It's why they bend over backwards to appease those crowds in ways they will never for the fan base.
Let me tell you a little something I learned from growing up in Cleveland watching the browns move out of town..... F the over attachment to a team. They don't give a $#!t about the fans. You just haven't figured it out yet. Money is way more important than the fans. They aren't in this business for fans, they are in it to get paid.
So don't blame the kid for doing what he thinks is in HIS best interest. Believe me, every time an NHL team leaves a city, they don't give a crap about the fan base. Go ask AZ fans.</div></div>

Yes 32 teams need organization so they can display the product in front of their FANS. The better the team is the more support they inevitably get from FANS. This marketing you're speaking of, is it towards the fans? Interesting. TV deals and adverts? Who watches those? Hmm, is it maybe the fans? Did you know the NHL is a gate revenue driven league? Meaning if people didn't actually show up to the games the league would be in serious trouble. Again very reliant on fans. And yes of course money is more important to them, it is a business after all. But who brings them the money? Maybe, fans?

You know, you gave me a good idea though. I'm gonna video my next beer league game, post it to Youtube and gather all that juicy ad revenue. Eventually probably sign a TV deal and really start rolling it in..
Forum: NHL SigningsApr. 15 at 2:07 a.m.
Forum: NHL SigningsApr. 15 at 1:06 a.m.