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Forum: Armchair-GMJul. 26, 2017 at 4:18 p.m.
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>netminder71</b></div><div>The Caps WAAAAAAAY overpaid. I love the idea here from a 31 teams view...but put some thought into this, don't just pick out the 3 best players on each team and click on all the highest draft picks for 3-4 years...McDavid may very well be the next huge thing in the league for 10 years, a Crosby-like, Ovi-like hybrid talent with super poise and skill...but trading the all-generation scorer from the Caps in Ovechkin AND the top two centers on the team (one being a likely HoF guy in Backstrom and the best young player on the team in Kuzy), PLUS 3 years of first round picks is beyond implausible.

I mean...McDavid is important to EDM...obviously now that he'll be the highest paid player in the league and could vault them back to Gretzky-like dominance...but this is not the trade that would pry him from that team. Sorry.

But hey...ideas are ideas and your series is FUN...!</div></div>

Honestly that's what I thought too at first, that the Caps are way overpaying but when you think about it closely they aren't really.
1. Ovehckin is a sure fire hall of famer but he's not even that good anymore he scored like 30 something goals last season and I doubt that he'll score his usual 50 again plus theres always the argument that he is a 1 way player
2. Backstrom is a solid player same with Kuzenstov (no arguments here)
3. The 3 1st round draft picks will all be like 25th or lower with McDavid on their team now so its basically like 3 2nd rounders
Just from that it's closer but still the Caps are overpaying BUT... McDavid doesn't bring you just on-ice success he brings you off-ice and thats value too
Forum: Armchair-GMJul. 24, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.