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May 12, 2024
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Forum: Armchair-GM7 hours ago
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Lancebmx</b></div><div>It's not really a seller's market. Markstrom and Ullmark have trade protection and can limit where they go. Multiple teams could have goalies available, Vegas, Utah, Anaheim, Pittsburgh, Columbus, Minnesota, Florida and St Louis could ask have goalies available. Free Agency isn't great but teams aren't going to overpay, like this is, for a goalie.
Moving Walman for cap space seems more like an obsession. He provides great value at 3.4M. Considering you have the cap to keep him if some other contracts are changed slightly, seems like a waste. Just ride out Chiarot. You paid a bunch of assets but didn't even make the defense better in total. Do you think Ullmark is going to excel with a similar defense as we had this season in front of him?
Do you think Ullmark would sign only a 3-4 year deal? As you stated, recent Vezina winner, why wouldn't he get the most money and term possible? I wouldn't doubt he gets 6 years.
I thought Drouin was a joke initially but you intentionally signed him. Think about how things went in Tampa with him and Yzerman. Anyways, he doesn't sign that garbage offer in Detroit. He likely gets much better to stay in Colorado.
You sure are banking on alot of young players to excel in the future.
Teams don't get to contender status by signing a bunch of UFAs either. They tend to be expensive and and usually entering the back 9 of their careers.
Is going all in to make the playoffs a step in the right direction? No. Making the playoffs would be great but this team, as it's built, would never be a contender. I understand not wanting to waste Larkin's years but he has quite a few more good ones to go, he's just entering his prime, same with Cat. Seider and Raymond are still really young.</div></div>

Well if you only have 3 goalies with quality Ullmark, Saros, Markstrom and you have to trade for all of them cause there is nothing worth mentioning in UFA I would call it a sellers market. Guess it's a matter of definition but point is there will be a bidding war for all 3 of them so gonna cost extra for either of them.
I don't have a problem giving Ullmark a 6 year deal as Cossa is at least 4 if not 5 years away from being an NHL starter. If you think he'll be ready faster you're fooling yourself. Thus far he had 1 year in the minors. This year a cup of coffee with Wings 3-6 games. Next year a lunch dozen or so games. Following year can start as backup. A year after a 60/40 split. And only the following year (5) he is ready for an NHL starter. Maybe. So 6 years of Ullmark is just fine. Last year you can trade him away.
Walman again is only concerns me as a cap hit. He is Only a great value if used with Seider on 1st pair and he was struggling this year so... coin poss. As a 2nd pair value is average and as 3rd pair he is way overpaid. Depends on how you use him.
Giving everyone a haircut just to keep Walman is ill-advised. Do you think Marchy would sign for 6mil instead of 7? How about Roy for 5mil instead of 6? Will Seider and Raymond take 8 year deals for 1mil less each? I doubt it. And all this headache for what? Keeping Walman? An average on his best day D-man? There are better options. You don't think that Defense I propose with Roy, Johansen and say Brendan Smith or any other 1mi 1year guy if you don't like Shattenkirk is an upgrade over Walman, Holl and Maatta? Especially with Ullmark over Husso in net?
Drouin I agree. This one is just a place holder that might score a few goals. Scratch him and replace with another under 1mil 4th liner of your choice
Banking on a lot of young players? Isn't that the point of building a team? This year I have 3. Kasper, Johansen and Mazur. You don't think they are ready? Kaliyev is a reclamation project but if works he's a big body and COULD turn into another Bert.
Forum: Armchair-GM15 hours ago
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Lancebmx</b></div><div>I don't understand your obsession with dumping Walman just so you can play Chiarot at 1LD.
That's a massive overpay for Ullmark, take out the first and the value is there. It's not worth it otherwise.
You didn't even really make the defense better. Roy is an improvement but Chiarot at 1LD is a downgrade. Relaxing Walman with Shattenkirk doesn't improve anything.
This team would make the playoffs, maybe win a round if they are lucky. Never will be a cup contender. Not enough high end talent coming up for them to be serious.</div></div>

Ullmark an overpay? Not in this sellers market I'm afraid. Plus where else can you find last years Vezina winner for sale? I believe he would cost at least a 1st rounder plus some young (cheap) assets so Boston can save 5mil in cap.
It's not an obsession with Walman. It's cap space and being able to move him for assets or compensation for dumps. Trading Chiarot will be nearly impossible this year with almost 5mil cap hit. I wish we could dump him but I figured next year him and Copp maybe easier with lesser term remaining. Plus he did ok with Seider last year so hence the pair. Shttenkirk is just an option. Insert any 1 year 1 mil D-man there. Shattenkirk at least can still score from the point on the PP but not stuck on him.
No that team would NOT be cup contender by any means but they would make the playoffs and maybe win a round or 2. It's a step in the right direction
Next year you can maybe dump another 10mil in Copp and Chiarot plus bring-up Tuomistu(sp?) and Danielson along with maybe couple more kids. Not to mention Kaliyev, Drouin or Mazur might work out then Resign Ullmark for 3-4 years and bring-up Cossa slowly (don't think he'll be ready to be even back-up yet with only 1 year of AHL experience under his belt) Then you can fill the gaps with next years UFA's to push it up to contender status
Forum: Armchair-GMThu. at 6:46 p.m.
Thread: Ullmark
Forum: Armchair-GMThu. at 3:03 p.m.
Forum: Armchair-GMThu. at 1:35 p.m.
Forum: Armchair-GMThu. at 1:15 p.m.
Forum: Armchair-GMTue. at 11:11 a.m.
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Lancebmx</b></div><div>Man I really appreciate your passion, I get it. I also totally agree with the experience and playing meaningful games. This season was great for that, we played meaningful games right until the end. I just think the long term plan is the cup and I would expect Yzerman would have sold that to Larkin and he would have bought in. I just look at our prospect pool and think we are missing alot of pieces still. With Cat, Larkin and Raymond, we have a top line. We have potential 2/3Cs in Danielson and Kasper. We have what looks like goalies and a top 4 defense with Seider, ASP, Edvinsson and Wallinder/Buium/ any of the other 187 LHD on the system. We are still missing some really solid LW and RW. I'm looking at this draft and my top targets, no in order of preference for me, are Michael Brandsegg-Nygard, Sennecke, Eiserman, Greentree or Connolly. I wouldn't hate adding Jiricek or Yakemchuk either. That should fill one of those voids and the draft next season fill the next. Then this team will be looking really really good. At least that's how I feel and I'm alot more patient than others.</div></div>

I agree. Future is bright and promising but present should not be ignored meanwhile. I fully expect Kasper, Masur and Johansen to be on the roster and playing full time this season. Berggren too but he is more likely a trade bait then regular. I wouldn't mind getting either Buinum(sp?) or Tiomistu(sp?) on the 3rd pair either instead of going for a top line D-man signing to save some cap. But I do expect a top 6 forward (not Kane) to be signed. Preferably Marchessault who can play physical and protect Larks and Cat. I would live to see Bert back but don't think it's likely.
Top line you mentioned needs some muscle/sand paper or they will be pushed around. I see Marchy with Larks and Cat while Ray with Kasper with maybe Compher or if we can get Kaliyev/Shangarovich via trade (likely Kaliev as Shandy will cost too much) That should make a line-up capable of getting into playoffs and making some noise once there. But it all starts with a goalie, Gotta get someone solid not a seeve Husso
Forum: Armchair-GMMon. at 9:56 p.m.
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>Lancebmx</b></div><div>Markstrom is 34. He has 1 to maybe 3 good years left, big maybe. Trading a first for him, just to sneak into the playoffs maybe really isn't worth it. He has a full no move clause so he can dictate his location. If Detroit is his chosen destination, why are we paying alot for him? We have two really good goalie prospects excelling right now, paying alot to acquire a veteran who wouldn't put us over the top is poor asset management. He will be gone before our team is actually a contender. I'm totally for upgrading the goaltending, but the deal has to make sense. Moving what could be a high pick for someone who only has a couple years left to play doesn't make sense to me. Also I don't see why he would pick Detroit, as I said this team isn't a contender.
Ullmark, reasonable Bruins fans say Wallinder or Buium and a second round pick. That or a late first.
Saros I have no idea.
For comparisons, Georgiev went for a a couple mid picks.
Kuemper went for a first, was 4 years younger and just came off a good season on a bad team. That team was also destined to win the Cup, which they did.
Lehner to Vegas in 2020 went for a second and fringe prospects. He was 28 and was coming off a really good season.
I don't think the Kings are desperate to move Kaliyev but he did ask for a trade. I think a second round pick should be good value to win the small bidding war there might be.</div></div>

You make some interesting points but we can not waste another 2 years of Larkin and Cat prime to wait for a goalie to mature. I am not ok with writing off this season plus next one and not making playoffs. Granted we're not going to win the cup for a few years but playoffs are a must simply to gain experience as a team and that requires at the very least and adequate goaltending this year. Husso is not it and needs to be replaced with SY favorites a place warmer veteran. Enter Markstrom for next 2-3 years. Could be Gibson or Gustafson (Wild) as well. But something has to be done to fix this mess in goal and
in 2-3 years Cossa should ready to be a starter not just a back-up/call-up in the NHL
Forum: Armchair-GMMon. at 5:30 p.m.
Forum: Armchair-GMMon. at 11:38 a.m.
Forum: Armchair-GMMay 25 at 8:12 p.m.
Thread: Wings_5