

hey look a squirrel
Member Since
May 31, 2018
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Toronto Maple Leafs
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Forum: Toronto Maple LeafsMay 18 at 9:34 p.m.
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>aadoyle</b></div><div>Not really Blues did not have anyone on par with Matthews even when they won the cup

This is the greatest goal scorer of the modern era and while he has not unlocked it yet for playoffs Berube may be the guy to do it and when it happens look out league and imagine Willy whose also pretty good under his belt.

Like in STL did Berube have a 40, 50 or even 60 goal + goal scorer to work with no. In all his time there the most was Kyrou with 37 goals. Willy and Matthews have each gotten 40 goals with that being pretty much the min for Matthews.

Berube never had that kind of firepower to work with till now. Instead he had Pietrangelo on the blueline and a good forward core to work with not a great one

Now he's got better weapons offensively and once Brad works on the Dcore adding the missing pieces they set.

As the tradeoff is there. No Pietragelo sure but having better offensive weapon especially Matthews be a worth it trade</div></div>

No matter who was taking over as the new coach, the flawed roster construction is a thing. I personally wanted Brind'Amour but I also understand why it's kind of dangerous waiting for him and later finding out he's staying in Carolina.

Would Brind'Amour fair better than Berube without a top level D? Ehh..I think it's about the same just because if you don't have such players in certain positions, it becomes very difficult to win anything.

One thing I didn't want to see under a new coach is the god aweful drop passes. Like that **** needs to die an instant death. Leafs were so predictable doing it that I'm surprised teams didn't just put a spy on the drop pass.
Forum: Toronto Maple LeafsMay 17 at 1:03 a.m.
Forum: Toronto Maple LeafsMay 16 at 8:26 p.m.
Forum: Toronto Maple LeafsMay 16 at 4:18 p.m.
Forum: Toronto Maple LeafsMay 14 at 10:54 p.m.
Forum: Toronto Maple LeafsMay 14 at 7:43 p.m.
Forum: Toronto Maple LeafsMay 13 at 5:52 p.m.
Forum: Toronto Maple LeafsMay 13 at 2:17 p.m.
Forum: Toronto Maple LeafsMay 12 at 7:20 p.m.
Forum: Toronto Maple LeafsMay 12 at 10:37 p.m.
Forum: Toronto Maple LeafsMay 12 at 10:58 p.m.
Forum: Toronto Maple LeafsMay 12 at 5:24 p.m.
Guess I should have checked this thread sooner LoL.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>NorthernLeafsFan05</b></div><div>Keefes post game comment was enough to send me back here for one last angry tirade against that pathetic excuse for a head coach.

For you guys who haven't seen the quote, it goes as follows: "When teams beat <em><strong>the Leafs</strong></em>, they set up the game for <strong><em>the Leafs</em></strong> to beat <strong><em>themselves</em></strong>"

Pretty choice wording here. First off, whose job is it to make sure the team sticks to the system? Whose job is it to adapt and manage the team? Whose job is it to react when teams start applying pressure? Whose job is it to keep your players heads straight? THATS YOUR JOB SHELDON. Actually, let me back it up; that <strong>used</strong> to be your job Sheldon. Kiss your spot on the bench goodbye and don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out. You have done nothing for the Leafs and won't do anything for any other NHL teams unless they are looking to tank. If only your bulldog-like appearance also translated to a bulldog-like mentality. You can blame the players for sure, but YOU are just as big of a part of this team as they are, and YOU are largely to blame for this team setting themselves up for failure. Who decides to put the 4th line out at critical points in the game? Who decides to play Samsonov when it's abundantly clear Woll should play? Who decides to keep going back to the same old tactics that always fail? THATS YOU, SHELDON.

In good news, Keefes wording is pretty specific. He distances himself from the team, which is hopefully an indication of his inevitable departure from this team. We deserve so much better than some pathetic excuse for a head coach who thinks he's all that because he used to front as a tough guy back in the early 2000s. He thinks he's all that because the Marlies stacked team walked their way to a Calder Cup. My only hope is that this born loser is hired by another Atlantic division team so we can beat up on them in the first round.

Keefe is a coward who does not know hockey. He doesn't take any sort of accountability, gives a pass to our best players when they disappear, and rips into our other players when they occasionally make minor mistakes. Hope you enjoyed your time in the sun Sheldon, because you will never be a name anyone remembers outside of reminiscing about the Leafs plights prior to our Cup win. You will go down as a laughing stock and a detriment. Enjoy unemployment Sheldon</div></div>

Well said. To add to your spirited post I'll say that it really undermined Keefe's creditabily with media, fans and probably most importantly the players when he walked back comments he made 2-3 times during his time as the coach. Nevermind the media or fans for a second but just the can they take you seriously if you're critical of them one moment and then walking them back the next day when Mr. God Complex himself probably got pissy about it.

Anyway, a rookie coach was the wrong decision (yes Keefe was a rookie coach when he took over) for this market at the time.

No more coach excuses.
Forum: Toronto Maple LeafsMay 12 at 7:02 p.m.