

Member Since
Jun. 18, 2015
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Pittsburgh Penguins
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Forum: Armchair-GMMay 25, 2022 at 7:07 p.m.
Forum: Armchair-GMMay 25, 2022 at 9:52 a.m.
Hexy: Hello, Claude? Ron Hextall here. How are you doing?

Giroux: I'm good, Hexy. I can't believe we got swept by Tampa.

Hexy: Yeah that sucks. Anyway, how would you like to sign with the Pens?

Giroux: I F'ing hate that team!

Hexy: Yeah me too. But they're paying me alot of money so I can't say that. Don't tell anyone.

Giroux: Ha ha Hexy!

Hexy: But seriously Claude, sign with us! We need you! Even Sid wants you here!

Giroux: I don't know Hexy. I really can't play with that crybaby SOB. It was bad enough playing with that F'ing pigeon JVR. Caaaawwww! Caaaawwww! Caaaawwww!

Hexy: But Claude! We're running it back! We're keeping the band together!

Giroux: What do you mean, Hexy? The Beatles? The Eagles? GNR! Which type of band are we talking about?

Hexy: More like Genesis. You can be Phil Collins!

Giroux: F that, Hexy! Malkin is Phil Collins! And Sid is Peter Gabriel! That sledgehammer wielding F!

Hexy: Ok ok, calm down Claude! How about Spice Girls! You can be Sporty Spice!

Giroux: What? Sid is Sporty Spice! And Geno is Posh Spice! I want to be Baby Spice! Don't Tell me what I want Hexy! I'll tell you what I want!

Hexy: Claude! Claude! Claude! Claude! Claude!

Giroux: Don't F'ing go all Mel Kiper on me Hexy! Settle down and give your balls a tug! I'll sign with ya! Jesus F'ing Christ!

Hexy: That's great, Claude! How does 4 years 20 mil sound?

Giroux: Yeah, sounds good. But you tell that crybaby Sid that I'm not doing hot yoga with him on off days!

Hexy:. Yeah yeah yeah, whatever Claude! Welcome to the Penguins!

Giroux: (hangs up) What the F have I done?
Forum: Armchair-GMMay 22, 2022 at 1:49 a.m.
Thread: Pens 22