

Member Since
Mar. 4, 2019
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Forum: Armchair-GMApr. 17, 2019 at 1:02 p.m.
Forum: Armchair-GMMar. 22, 2019 at 3:46 a.m.
Look, I genuinely don't mean to be rude here (I'm sure you're smarting after tonight's loss - I know I am) but <em>no.</em>

1) You want us to give up a 3rd and a 4th round pick in order to go from one fallen below .9 save % goalie to .... another fallen below a .9 save % goalie. I honestly fail to see any logic here; I understand that Jones is a problem, but he's actually outperformed Schneider in the last 2 seasons and is certainly not playing any worse than he is this season (I would prefer to <em>not</em> to be locked into a 3 year NTC with a goalie who can't maintain a .9 save % in the AHL).

2) I sincerely doubt that you could get heed for under 1 million. Given his numbers and how he's been contributing while he's been on the ice, I foresee him getting in the range of 1 to 1.5 million, if not higher on the free market. Regardless, his chemistry with Vlasic has been incredibly good and I don't care how much you value hits - giving up a solid player who has helped get our 7 million locked in contract star defensive defenseman get his groove back is insane. Giving up that roster spot in order to bring in a guy who has literally <em>one point</em> in his entire NHL career is beyond lunacy, especially given that you put this dude (who you admit sucks!) in the 2nd pairing with temperamental and just-barely-recovering-his-game Vlasic. If there's one thing that this season should have taught us it's that MEV <em>must have</em> a fast dude to work with who he clicks well with - and that ain't it, chief.

3. Oh god, where to even begin with your third line? Tanev would actually be a decent get, especially if we're going to lose Donskoi to free agency, but in NO way do I think that Gambrell is ready to jump from the AHL to anchoring the 3rd line and I think that giving up a 2nd round pick (leaving us with <em>nothing</em> before the 4th round in a really good draft year, ftr) for <em>Matt Martin</em> based entirely on his hit stats is utterly bonkers.

I get it. TRUST ME, I get it - I spend most games yelling "COMPLETE YOUR HITS" or "JUST ****ING HIT THEM, OH MY GOD" but this just isn't a good plan. Poorly thought out trades that strip us of our future prospects (which we <em>really</em> need, hoo boy) and don't get us much skill to go along with those hits is the kind of nonsense that ultimately hurts a team.

That said, I honestly do like the idea of Tanev and GOOD GOD I WANT THEM TO HIT MORE.